Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Photos and playing around with ideas

More photos taken after the washed out weather of this weekend - found some interesting stuff washed up on the beach, and cloudy days made for good sky photographs. As mentioned last week, I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate screen printing back into my work in order to have a print or two up on the wall of my show, so I played around with some of the iconography I worked with last semester (namely the "schwa" alien head at the moment since it's a very simple shape) to see if I liked the idea of creating prints with a similar look. Not entirely sure if it's where I want to go with it, but figured it was a good place to start. Even if not screen printed, I think they ended up being kind of interesting in their own right, and I might use some similar techniques to break up the photos I plan on putting in the book so they're not all the same size, same format on each page. Also interesting to note looking at them together now that a lot of the photos this week unconsciously involve things that are broken, like trees, fences, and the Hardie elevator.

I mentioned working on a narrative, but I realize now it's become kind of a cross between the abstract nature of the thoughts on the post-its and a fully blown narrative. So it's turning out to be more of a book of "journal entires" so to speak - short snippets, from a couple sentences up to a paragraph, that tell about bits of my day or just recording my thoughts in specific moments in time.

Decided to use the "I exist" phrase from last semester below the aliens out of curiosity of incorporating more elements of prior work. I tried these out just to see how the alien head would work with the photos taken to evoke that same feeling of "alienation". I think they're interesting, though I'm not entirely sure what I could do with these aside from vary up the format of photos in the book or display them on the wall as a unique shape versus a standard rectangular image. Made 4 variations with different photos to play with color and shapes. I prefer the ones on the white background, I think they look better floating in space, so I might make them all on white or transparent backgrounds if I alter more photos in this same vein.

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