Thursday, March 8, 2018

Potential Layouts

Just playing with a couple different layout ideas for the show wall. I think the alien would be an interesting addition if it could possibly be done on vinyl or something similar so it could be a free floating shape as opposed to a rectangular image like the other photos would be. Not sure if there's a practical solution to that though. I think having a few (maybe 2 or 3) copies of the book below for people to look through would be good, so I can still utilize the narratives I've created without having to plaster all of them across the wall of the gallery. I think it lends better to the personal and "intimate" (for lack of a better word) nature of the narrative. Still wondering if it would be a good idea/how to execute placing text on the wall in addition to the photographs. Any feedback would be appreciated, since I'm not completely satisfied with these as they are now, but I figured it's a good place to start at least.

Note: The text for now is just place holder text to get an idea of where I might want to place the final chosen text later.

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