Thursday, February 8, 2018


I've been reshooting my photos trying to get better angles while shooting and trying get really close up and personal. Though all of them are better photos of previously shot areas there are new ones that are from the animation seminar room. I also thought what was said in class and I'm looking at words that are antonyms for impermanence. 


1. A long individual life; great duration of individual life


1. To preserve from extinction or oblivion


1.The persistence of a cultural trait, practice, or the like long after it has lost its original meaning or usefulness


1. Continued existence or occurrence

2. The continuance of an effect after its cause is removed


1. A point of time distinguished by a particular event or state of affairs ; a memorable date


  1. photos have a scientific, and even planetary geophysics, quality to them.
    compare to many images at beautifulmars

    e.g., forensic information about location — room number, exact dimensions of crack/hole, distance from floor and from nearest architectural feature e.g., door.
    and other language, poetic/literary.
    dictionary entries about scars? e.g., the OED,
    including etymology
    random (or not so random) list of names of people who have passed through the building, maybe full first name but initial for surname.

  2. re: impermanence —

    mutability is an important theme in western art, literature, philosophy.
    the pre-socratics.
    Heraclitus is the locus classicus I suppose — his panta rhei, "all things flow" —
