Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Flip Book

I've been experimenting with photographing in settings, creating flipbooks and some language to accompany my work and thought process. I also got some new things to play with this weekend and looking forward to trying them in my future work.

Through the creation of human-made materials such as plastic, and natural elements, I am demonstrating the pollution and suffocation of our environment. In my works, ink falls down into the landscape by myself, the hand of human and introduce the ink into an environment I created. The ink acts as it's own though, not fully controlled and takes over the space it fills. Through my gifs and flipbooks, the ink can be viewed as suffocating and taking over or can be reversed. This demonstrates how there are solutions to this issue. It's up to the viewer to view the problem as receding or growing.  This also gives the viewer the ability to control their situation. A way to symbolically choose if you like to view the work and create the problem or fix the problem in a non-lecturing style. All of my work came from recycled materials and was recycled correctly afterward and did not destroy any environments they were placed in.

Flipbook Scene Demo

Also thinking a little bit about how I want to display my work in the show, not at a conclusion yet, but this is a trip tix of the daisy using my favorite forms of the ink.

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